
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Nine Month Birthday, Jackson!

Sweet Jackson, you are nine months old!

The weather is getting warmer and warmer, and plans for a full summer at camp are stirring in everyone's hearts. I can't help but remember this time last year you were still in my tummy, and I was also looking forward to the end of the school year and camp starting. With the warm weather I know that your first birthday is only three months away, and I am still surprised at how fast this first year has flown. I must admit that though I am sad that you are growing up, I am looking forward to starting the planning for your first birthday party!!! It's going to be so much fun!

Weight: 20 pounds 1 oz
Height: 29 inches
Diaper Size: 3 during the day, 4 overnight
Clothes: 6-12, 9, 9-12, and some 12 months

A funny story about your diapers...we started ordering them from Amazon about five months ago, and have been getting a great deal through Amazon Mom. They send us a box of diapers once every two months, and it has been so convenient to have them arrive right at our door. Well, up until now we've had to switch diaper sizes every couple of months because you grow so fast and have always been an adorable chubby baby. So I decided to plan ahead and order some size 4's for you a couple of months ago instead of the size 3's assuming you would be ready to fit into them during the day by now. Unfortunately when we put you into the size 4's you had TWO poopy blowouts in one day and the diapers hung down between your legs. I guess you weren't ready for those during the day just yet! So that night Daddy had to go to the store and buy you more size 3's. Whoops.

Another reason you probably weren't ready for bigger diapers is because you have really slimmed down! You've been speed crawling everywhere, pulling up and cruising along us and the furniture, so it isn't really a big surprise that your once obvious belly rolls have all but disappeared. Your thighs still have some chunk on them, but your waist and belly are skinny, boy! It's funny because pants that were tight on you a month ago are now loose around the waist. When we were at your 9-month well-child visit, the doctor showed us how your BMI had dropped significantly, but said that it was perfectly normal for an active, cruising baby.

And boy, are you active. You never, ever seem to stop moving. You are constantly moving all around the living room from one toy to another. You pull up to the window, crawl up and OVER baskets of toys, walk along the edge of the couch, and try to pull everything off my shelves. Because of that, my home decor has had to be put on hold for convenience for awhile. I've been recording videos of you playing because it is so cute and I want to make sure and remember it forever. Any chance you get you are trying to play with the remote, our phones, and the computer. You actually popped one of the keys off of the laptop this week {don't worry, Daddy fixed it!}, and you conked yourself in the head pulling the iPad off the couch. Even though you are a handful, we are enjoying this stage of your growth so much, Jax.

I think your dad is enjoying it especially, and I'm pretty sure he's your favorite person right now. As soon as you hear the door open of him coming in from work, you race over to the couch where I have you blocked in and stand up and whine for him to come get you. You are so excited when you see him and he picks you up that you grin and bury your face in his shoulder. I must admit I do get a tiny bit jealous, but my heart also melts to see my two boys having such a wonderful relationship. Your dad loves you so much, Jackson, and he would do anything for you...don't ever forget that!

You decided about three weeks ago that you were pretty much "over" baby foods, and you only wanted what we were eating. I knew this day was coming, and I feel like you seemed so much older as soon as we started giving you solid food. You love it and will eat almost anything we give to you. You've had so many new foods this month, and I'm actually having fun giving them to you! You like veggies that you would never eat pureed, so that's a plus, and you LOVE fruit. Your favorites are mandarin oranges and strawberries. You also figured out how to hold and suck food out of packets, and those are the only "baby foods" you still have tolerance for so we take those when we go out. Tonight you also enjoyed some Go-Go Squeeze applesauce and you held the packet up to your mouth with one hand and acted like you had been eating that way your whole life.

I have been working on a few baby signs with you, but you still don't really seem interested. We are also working on clapping and waving bye-bye. I wish I knew what was going on in your head when I am waving my hands and arms around in front of you trying to teach you. You must think I am so silly, and I hope you catch on soon so I won't feel so silly anymore! You still say "da-da" and "ma-ma," and you have also started saying "ba-ba" too. You really seem to be discovering your voice and love screeching and yelling at us from your crib and while you are playing with your toys.

I know the time left in your babyhood is short, but I feel like we are finally to the point where we are really enjoying each stage of your development. We love teaching {or trying} to teach you new skills, and when you do them, your dad and I get so excited. We still pray with you and for you every night, and we also pray for ourselves as your parents. We love you, Jackson Edmond, and are trusting in the Lord for your life, your salvation, and the wisdom to raise you into a man of God.