
Monday, November 19, 2012

Baby Favorites: The First Three Months

I've seen some other bloggers do this, and I had to join in! Mostly because I have fallen victim to "baby brain" so that every time I walk into Target or Walmart I somehow find myself drawn to the baby aisles. Then half of these things end up in my cart (sorry, hubby!). No, but seriously, many of these have been lifesavers and just plain awesome. I also heard about a lot of these through other mommy bloggers, so I knew they were tried and true, and (some) very helpful with poo. ;)

1. Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets: Everyone loves these things and with good reason. THEY ROCK. Seriously. They are so big and perfect for wrapping up a sweet, cuddly baby. Or, if you're like me, a very wiggly baby! The material is stretchy and breathable, so I never worried about overheating or the blanket getting too close to his face.We also use them for tummy time, bundling the babe in the carseat, and we throw them over the whole carseat to keep the sun away while walking to and from places. They come in the cutest patterns, plus they get softer each time you wash them. They are rather pricey, but I'm telling you, they are worth every penny!

2. Johnson and Johnson's Hand and Face Wipes: I am a known germ-a-phobe, and unfortunately, that made me a crazy mommy for these first few months. I love how much people love Jackson, but when we've been around a lot of people that have touched his hands and kissed his face, I give him a quick wipe down with these babies. They are soft, smell great, and kill germs. I believe we are on our fourth pack. ;)

3. Munchkin Pacifier Wipes: Along the same lines, I love to use these to wipe down Jackson's pacis each night or if they fall onto the floor. When he gets older, I won't be nearly as picky about this, but the less he gets sick at this newborn stage, the better.

4. Fisher-Price My Little Snuggabunny Cradle and Swing: One word--LIFESAVER. Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but we seriously love this thing. For the first few weeks, Jackson would take super long afternoon and morning naps in this swing. The movement mimics how he felt in my tummy, so it was very soothing to him. I love how soft this is (I wish I could sleep in it!), the bunny is adorable, and the colors are very neutral so they don't clash with our living room. We also love that it has an AC adapter so we aren't blowing through batteries.

5. Pampers Sensitive Thick Plus Care Wipes: My mom bought a pack of these for us within a few days of coming home from the hospital. We had been using the regular Pampers Sensitive wipes from the hospital on Jackson's tush, but soon discovered how much more we liked these! They are still super soft and gentle, but they are much thicker so cleaning up messes is easier and faster. Love. I also love these portable packages with the plastic clasp lid--perfect for the diaper bag. We have tried other wipes too, and we still like these the best.

6. Bright Starts Spots & Stripes Safari Gym: Before Jackson could really reach and hold onto toys, this was his absolute favorite! He still loves to lie underneath it and swat at the toys you can dangle down. I love that it has a ton of little fabric loops, so if you have some of the rings you can hang whatever toy you want! The light-up tiger that comes with this is still his favorite toy to take around places.

7. Burt's Bees Baby Shampoo & Wash: This soap is gentle, smells a-maz-ing, and doesn't dry out sensitive skin. We've used other soaps, but after prolonged use they caused Jackson's skin to get really dry. He has naturally dry skin, so this gentle, natural soap is the best choice for him.

8. Babyganics Foaming Hand Sanitizer: This is one of my absolute favorite, must-have items! We have tried so hard to keep our hands clean to keep Jax from getting sick, and this stuff is the best! I always carried Germ-X in my purse, but it leaves a sticky feel and a bad smell. This sanitizer is scent-free, doesn't leave your hands sticky, and is alcohol-free so it is very safe for baby. We have two big pump bottles at the house and then these cute small ones for the diaper bag and my purse.

9. Fisher-Price My Little Snuggabunny Deluxe Rock and Play Sleeper: I love this sleeper for many reasons. First, for completely material reasons, it is super cute and matches our swing and bouncer. ;) But in all seriousness, our bedroom is super tiny, so we couldn't fit a pack-and-play anywhere in the room. This rocker was the perfect size.  It allows Jackson to sleep next to our bed, lets him lie at an incline, and it folds up making it super portable! So if you are looking for an alternative to a pack-and-play or aren't comfortable with using the crib at first, we highly recommend this.

10. Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bags: These little bags have saved me more than once! They are one of those items that you think, "Is that really necessary?" Let me answer that for you: YES! They are perfect for wrapping up smelly diapers when a trashcan isn't around, and even more perfect for putting your baby poop covered shirt (yes, you read that correctly) in when you are in the Walmart parking lot.

11. Vera Bradley Get Carried Away Tote in Baroque: I seriously love this bag (thanks, Mom!). For a gal who never likes to leave home without everything but the kitchen sink all the things Jackson could ever possibly need, this tote is perfect. It has two plastic lined pockets and six regular pockets on the inside. On the outside it has four pockets as well. The top also zips closed, so I don't worry about my things falling out everywhere. Some people have commented that they can't believe how big it is, but I love it. I also love the Baroque pattern. The hubs had a hand in picking the pattern out, and he made sure it wasn't too girly for our little man. :)

So there you have it! We have other items that we have adored as well, and my goal is to compile more lists as Jackson grows. Most of these items can be purchased on Amazon as well as Target and Walmart.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Hardest Part of Becoming a Mother

I've been asked many times since becoming a mom what the best thing about this job is, and also what the hardest thing is. The best thing is changing constantly, because with each new thing my sweet boy does, my concept of "the best" just grows and evolves into something different and amazing each day. As for one of the hardest things, learning how to breastfeed was definitely one of them.

The night Jackson was born, I got the chance to breastfeed him about 45 minutes after he was placed in my arms. I was nervous; not because I thought it would hurt, but because of the newness of the experience. I basically had no idea what I was doing. My OB and finished stitching me up, and one of the nurses brought him back to me after washing him off and wrapping him up. I remember asking if I should try to feed him, and she replied, "Sure, if you want to," very nonchalantly. Immediately I questioned if I was doing the right thing. Everything I had read said that it was important and a beautiful experience to breastfeed within hours of birth, but the nurse acted like it was no big deal. She did stay next to me as I fumbled around and adjusted the baby. He acted like he really wanted to eat, but he couldn't quite latch correctly. I fervently looked from my husband to the nurse begging for help, and the nurse finally said, "Here, try this." She handed me a nipple shield, squirted some sugar water on it, and after some more trial and error, he latched on. I was thrilled!

For the two days that we were in the hospital, he would latch with and without the nipple shield. I worked hard to make him not get dependent on the shield, but when we got home, he would get upset and cry when he was hungry and couldn't latch without the shield. Soon, we were using it every time he nursed. I felt like a failure because I couldn't breastfeed like "normal." I broke down and bought two more shields because I was terrified of losing the shield and my baby screaming in hunger. Every time we left the house my husband learned to ask, "Do you have the shields?" Bless his heart. 

On top of the shield issue, Jax would take almost an hour to nurse each time. I felt like I was trapped feeding him in the bedroom when we had company over, or locked in the car at a restaurant. Then at three weeks when he went through a growth I told my hubs at least fifty ten times that I was going to quit. For some reason though, I didn't. I stuck it out. 

Then, things got better. After about two months, Jackson got faster at nursing. I became more comfortable. Breastfeed in front of female company? Sure thing. Breastfeed in the car at McDonalds? No big deal. Thank you windshield sun visor and tinted windows. 

Just in this last week, Jackson has started not using the nipple shields anymore. But you know what? If he had used them the entire time, I wouldn't have cared. I learned that just because using nipple shields wasn't the "normal" thing to do, using them didn't make me any less of a mom. I was doing my best to feed my baby, and he was thriving using those shields. His pediatrician told me something similar. She said, "He's eating. He's growing. Use them for as long as you need to!" 

::This:: is all that matters.
So, if you're a new mom, experienced mom, or even mom-to-be, don't let anyone make you feel bad if you have to go in an unconventional route to feed your baby. Who cares if you breastfeed, formula feed, use nipple shields, or exclusively pump. You are taking care of your baby that the Lord has blessed you with. Do what you have to to make sure they are healthy and growing. Remember (and I say this to myself as well), you are a great mom.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Three Month Birthday, Jackson!

Dear Jackson,

Happy 3 Month Birthday, sweet boy! This month has been full of so many changes. We have been having so much fun together while you grow!

We didn’t go to the doctor’s office this month, so I’m not sure how much you weigh. My best guess is somewhere between 13 and 14 pounds. You are wearing size two diapers, but after a recent series of blowouts, you’ll be moving to threes as soon as these are gone! You are still wearing 3 month and 3-6 month clothes, but I just pulled out all of your 6 month onesies and jammies to wash. They are still slightly big, but we might as well start wearing them for as long as we can!

This month you rolled over from tummy to back for the first time! We knew you were getting close, and one morning you just did it! It was so fast that I almost missed it, but I am so glad I got to be there. Later you rolled over for Daddy too! You can also hold your head up when on your tummy for close to three or four minutes now. You are really growing up, little man.

You have been to physical therapy for your neck two times now, and your therapist is really nice. Too bad you get grumpy with her when she makes you do activities and stretches! We have to do stretches at home too, and sometimes you don’t mind, but other times you get so mad! Sorry, baby boy, but it’s for the best! We can already see you holding your head straighter, and I am so glad!

You have started grabbing and holding toys that we give to you, and it is so fun! They go straight into your mouth, and you proceed to drool all over them. Your favorite toys are your crinkly elephant, the light-up white tiger, and Sophie the giraffe. When you can't find a toy to chew on, your hands and feet are also objects of choice!

At night you are sleeping from about 10 or 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. Then you nurse for a little while and are back to sleep until 8 or 9 a.m. I was going to try to move you to your crib this month, but every time I think about it I get sad and can't do it. I just love having you next to me in your Rock and Play at night. I know that Jesus is with you, so Mommy needs to suck it up and move you sometime soon. Oh, well, you will get there when you get there, I suppose. ;) 

You have also started to teethe a little bit, and that gave you your first runny nose. Gigi was here when you were feeling yucky from that and she gave you lot of love and snuggles. Your fists and fingers are always in your mouth to chew on to make your gums feel better. We have been checking for teeth, but don’t see anything yet!

We love you more and more each day, Jackson Edmond!


And just for fun (and to make me cry *tear*), look how much this little guy has changed! Please ignore the terrible not-so-good lighting in a few of the pictures.