
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Three Month Birthday, Jackson!

Dear Jackson,

Happy 3 Month Birthday, sweet boy! This month has been full of so many changes. We have been having so much fun together while you grow!

We didn’t go to the doctor’s office this month, so I’m not sure how much you weigh. My best guess is somewhere between 13 and 14 pounds. You are wearing size two diapers, but after a recent series of blowouts, you’ll be moving to threes as soon as these are gone! You are still wearing 3 month and 3-6 month clothes, but I just pulled out all of your 6 month onesies and jammies to wash. They are still slightly big, but we might as well start wearing them for as long as we can!

This month you rolled over from tummy to back for the first time! We knew you were getting close, and one morning you just did it! It was so fast that I almost missed it, but I am so glad I got to be there. Later you rolled over for Daddy too! You can also hold your head up when on your tummy for close to three or four minutes now. You are really growing up, little man.

You have been to physical therapy for your neck two times now, and your therapist is really nice. Too bad you get grumpy with her when she makes you do activities and stretches! We have to do stretches at home too, and sometimes you don’t mind, but other times you get so mad! Sorry, baby boy, but it’s for the best! We can already see you holding your head straighter, and I am so glad!

You have started grabbing and holding toys that we give to you, and it is so fun! They go straight into your mouth, and you proceed to drool all over them. Your favorite toys are your crinkly elephant, the light-up white tiger, and Sophie the giraffe. When you can't find a toy to chew on, your hands and feet are also objects of choice!

At night you are sleeping from about 10 or 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. Then you nurse for a little while and are back to sleep until 8 or 9 a.m. I was going to try to move you to your crib this month, but every time I think about it I get sad and can't do it. I just love having you next to me in your Rock and Play at night. I know that Jesus is with you, so Mommy needs to suck it up and move you sometime soon. Oh, well, you will get there when you get there, I suppose. ;) 

You have also started to teethe a little bit, and that gave you your first runny nose. Gigi was here when you were feeling yucky from that and she gave you lot of love and snuggles. Your fists and fingers are always in your mouth to chew on to make your gums feel better. We have been checking for teeth, but don’t see anything yet!

We love you more and more each day, Jackson Edmond!


And just for fun (and to make me cry *tear*), look how much this little guy has changed! Please ignore the terrible not-so-good lighting in a few of the pictures.

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