
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jackson's Birth Story, Part I

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to take more time to blog in 2013. My family (especially my son!) and life is changing so much every day, and I really want to capture that. Not only for myself in later years, but for my husband, children, and grandchildren. So today I would like to share the detailed events of a day that we never, ever want to forget: the day Jackson was born.


I suppose I will have to go back to July 20, a few days before Jackson entered the world. M and I (is it okay if I call you “M,” Matt? Okay? Thanks.) were at my now-weekly OB appointment. My doctor, who I absolutely adore, came in, chatted for a bit, checked my cervix to see if I was still dilated, and then dropped a bomb on us:

“Do we have a plan to have this baby yet?” she asked, looking at her calendar.

M and I looked at each other, and then back at my doctor. “No…” I started. “What do you mean?”

She laughed and said, “Well you’ll be 39 weeks on Monday, your cervix is dilated to nearly a 3, and if you want, we can induce you at any time next week.”

Now I know that some people might not agree with her choice to induce before 41 weeks, but to me, I was thrilled! I loved being pregnant, but I was so excited to meet my baby that I could hardly stand it.

Just like that?” I said, still shocked and surprised.

“Sure.” She replied. “Pick a day.”

Pick a day. Pick a day!? Pick a day to have my baby! Waahoo!

She let M and I chat for a bit on which day would work best for us. Our friends had placed bets on what day the babe would be born, so we made sure to pick a day that no one had guessed, just to make sure that no one had a unfair advantage (sorry, guys!). I wanted an even numbered day because I’m weird, so we picked Tuesday, July 24…a mere four days away!

We spoke with the nurse about scheduling the induction with the hospital, but our happy spirits were dashed when the hospital we had planned on delivering at couldn’t get us in for an induction until July 31. My due date was the 30th, so it wasn’t like that was a bad time, but we were so excited thinking about meeting our baby in four days that it was a big downer to hear. Saddened, M took me to lunch at a Chinese restaurant in hopes that crab rangoon would make my hugely pregnant self happy.

While we were eating, M brought up the fact that there was another hospital in town that the nurse had mentioned might be able to get us in earlier. I had not originally wanted to deliver there because we had not done our birthing classes in that hospital, and we hadn’t toured that hospital either. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I just wanted to meet my baby, and I didn’t care which hospital we used. As long as my hubby was there and my doctor was there, I would deliver in a Walmart if I had to! 

I kid, I kid.

We prayed about the situation over lunch, and we both really felt a peace about our decision. I then called the nurse back and asked her to see if the other hospital could get us in on the 24th. We came home and I watched Netflix in bed for at least 3 hours while my iPhone was glued to my hand awaiting her call back. FINALLY she called back and gave me the news we had been waiting for…Jackson would be here on Tuesday! Praise the Lord!

To be continued... 

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