
Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Seven Month Birthday, Jackson!

Every month that you grow we are reminded even more of how blessed we are to have you in our lives, Jax. You are so silly and fun, and Daddy and I love seeing your personality develop each day. You won’t go to the doctor again until your nine month check-up, so I will just guess at your height and weight.

Weight: 19 pounds
Height: 27-28 inches
Diapers: Size 3 during the day, size 4 overnight
Clothes: 6-12, 6-9, and 9 month jammies, onesies, and pants
One day after you turned seven months old we were at the chapel for Monday Nighter’s and you were crawling up and down the aisle on your belly, when all of the sudden you pushed yourself up on your hands and knees and took off! You looked so proud of yourself to be crawling with your belly off of the ground, but you got so excited you would fall down every few “steps.” I looked over at your dad and told him that we had better get the gate up in front of our stairs soon before you race over and go toppling down them.

While you are crawling, you love to put your head down and race head first into everything! If we are on the couch or bed, you dive into Daddy and I without looking where you are going, and it is hilarious! I keep thinking you are going to get a rug burn on your face because you do this on the carpet too.  Thank you for keeping us laughing, Jackson!

Other milestones that you have reached this month include getting your third and fourth teeth (the two on the top), crawling and pushing yourself into a sitting position, pulling up to your knees, and standing with our help. Sometimes I look at you and wonder where my baby has gone! Your personality is also developing and showing daily. You are the silliest little boy ever and are always making noises with your mouth and tongue, laughing, and playing games with us. You also have gotten quite the attitude when you are told “no” or when you have to do things you don’t like (being fastened in the car seat or high chair, or made to sit still during church). I think you are going to be very strong-willed, but you also seem to want to please Daddy and I, so hopefully you will learn to obey quickly.

Your favorite foods are strawberry yogurt mixed with oatmeal, chicken and vegetables, mashed bananas, and anything that we will slip you from our plates. Daddy sneaked you a few bites of a curly fry at Arby’s and you of course loved it. You also loved eating small bites of his roast beef from his sandwich. To be honest, I am very excited to start you on table food because I think you will enjoy it so much, but I am nervous too because I get freaked out about you choking on something. As Daddy would say, “Calm down, Mommy!”

You still love your Jumperoo, and you really like playing with your toys in your high chair while I cook lunch or supper.  Now that you can crawl to your toys on the floor, you seem happier to just sit and play by yourself sometimes. You look so cute! Since you have started standing on your legs when we hold you up, you also love the Leap Frog activity table. Unfortunately we can’t figure out how to take the legs off, so we have to hold you up so you can play with it. I have a feeling that next month I will be saying that you are pulling yourself up to standing at the table!

Your hair is also starting to grow more and it is so fun to see it turning dark! I had wondered if your few dark hairs would turn blonde because Daddy was a blonde little boy, but it seems to be staying brown for now. That of course could change, but we will think you are the cutest baby on the planet no matter what!

What a sweet blessing you are to us, Jax. You make our family complete, and make every day better than the last. We love you to the moon and back. 

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