
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy 10 Month Birthday, Jackson!

Happy 10 Month Birthday, Jackson!

Sorry to be so late in writing just a few days you will actually be 11 months old! When people have been asking me how old you are recently, I have been replying, "He'll be one next month on July 24." Um, whoa. That's crazy, baby boy. 

Weight: 21 pounds or so
Height: No clue!
Diapers: Size 3, but they are getting pretty tight!
Clothes: 6-12 in shorts, 12 months in onesies, some 9-12, and some 12-18 months in rompers

This month it was so hard to get you to sit still at all for your 10 month photos. I tried two different times...and neither turned out well. I literally could not distract you or get you to stay in the chair for a second. All the pictures were blurry and one of the only clear ones has my hand holding you still in it. Sheesh. So that's why at this point there is only one picture of you for this month. I will have to see what I can salvage of the other ones, you busy boy! At first, I was very upset that your photos would be less than perfect, but this is who you are now at this stage. I will always remember you as an on-the-go baby who did not have the time to sit still for his mommy.

Speaking of which, I have never, ever been around a baby who moves as much as you do! You are a high-speed crawler and you go from toy to toy to toy all over the floor! You are constantly moving, rolling, pulling up, and cruising everywhere. One thing doesn't interest you for very long before you are on to the's hard to keep up with you! You are so sweet though and love to be around your dad and I as well as other people. You are very friendly, and have only shied away from a few people. Most of the time you are happy to chat and go to anyone, and living in the place that we do at camp, your personality could not be anymore perfect!

You still have zero interest in walking and even when I try to hold you up by your hands to stand, you immediately want to sit down. I guess you are just too good of a crawler! You could surprise us all and suddenly take off one day because you are definitely strong enough, but for now, you are content on all fours. 

Sunday mornings at church are proving to be very difficult as of late. It is so hard for you to only sit on my lap or Daddy's lap and play with toys quietly. You understand the word "no" so well at home, so I knew you were ready to start learning to sit and not be on the floor playing in church, but wow it has been a hard lesson for you to learn. I spend most of my time outside with you because you throw the biggest fit when we won't let you go and play on the floor like you want to. I know this time is temporary, and I want you to know that we are only teaching you this lesson because we love you so very much. We want you to sit quietly during that time at church so that you can hear God's Word and learn about the love that He showed us through His Son, Jesus. I am going to start having a few minutes a day of quiet time at home with you so we can gradually work up to the length of time we sit in church on Sundays. You'll catch on soon, my sweet boy.

Jackson Edmond, you are truly a piece that completed our family. Having you has shown me a type of love that I never knew before. I was just telling your GiGi that the love I feel for you is the closest to knowing the way that God loves us. It is a selfless, infinite love that is unlike any other. Thank you for completing our family and showing me that love.

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