
Thursday, November 7, 2013


Happy First Birthday, Jackson Edmond!

Weight: 21 pounds
Height: 30 inches
Diapers: Size 4
Clothes: 12 months, 12-18 months, some 18 months

I will try not to get all sappy like I did with the letter on your actual birthday, Jax, but I want to share all that you have been learning and doing this month! 

On the night of your first birthday you took your very first steps! We were at the chapel after prayer meeting and were talking with Isaac and Crystal. You had crawled away over by the bookshelf and all of the sudden you just stood up and looked at all four of us. You took three steps toward us, and then promptly sat back down. I was so shocked that I screamed, and we all started clapping and laughing. We tried and tried to get you to do it again, but you wanted nothing else to do with it now that we were paying attention. You haven't tried to walk much since then (crawling is so much faster for you still), but that's okay! It was so special that you took your steps on your birthday and we will never forget it!

You are talking all the time now...the only problem is we have no idea what you are saying! You babble and jabber, but your voice changes in intonation and you look right at us like you are telling us things or asking us questions. It is hysterical! So many people have commented on how they have never heard a baby "talk" like you do, and we haven't either. You are so unique and special in all you do.

You had an amazing first birthday party here at our house, and it was so special for many reasons. First, the weather was AMAZING! It was July 27th, and in Missouri, that is always a hot, hot time of the summer. In fact, all the days surrounding your party were very warm. However, the day of your party was gorgeous and the weather was in the mid to low seventies all day. We got to have your party outside with the windows all open. It was beautiful and perfect for all the people who came! Another reason why it was so special was because all of your grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins got to be there. We also had all of our friends and neighbors from camp and the chapel here too. Every single person that came loved you so much and was so happy to be a part of your day.

You are such an amazing boy, and we love you so much! We could never imagine life without you, and you have brought us more joy this year of our lives than we ever thought possible. Happy Birthday, sweet baby. 

**This post was almost three months late, but I had taken mental notes of what to write so I wouldn't forget!**

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