But because I miss posting, and because I found an awesome link-up with A Sorta Fairytale, I'm sharing today about something I have been struggling with as a mother.
Looking back now, I think that even though I was so focused on putting Jackson's needs first and that I loved him so much, I still struggled with being patient with him. When I would just close my eyes and drift off to sleep only to hear him begin to fuss because he wanted to nurse for the third time in two hours. When he would cry so hard in the car that it sounded like he couldn't breathe. When he was so fussy that I couldn't sit in church and enjoy fellowship with other believers on Sunday. Wow. Even writing this now that he is almost 9 months old, I can't believe that I thought those instances were so trying on my patience.
Hard to believe you can be frustrated with this sweetness, huh? |
My attitude has not been the best when dealing with these situations lately...I allow myself to get frustrated and I struggle with not snapping at Jackson. I'm ashamed to admit that I have been losing sight of putting Jackson's needs first as I so carefully did when I was pregnant. The Lord entrusted me with the upbringing of these sweet boy and I have been missing out on so much joy when I choose to allow frustration to take hold. No matter how much I want to change and be more patient, I cannot do this on my own.
I need Jesus.
I need His grace and His perfect patience. When the disciples continually acted amazed at His power and miracles, or when Peter, James, and John fell asleep twice when He had asked them to wait up and pray with Him in the garden...He still patiently loved them, taught them, and led them. How much more so does He do that with me? I do not always obey, I do not always trust, and I do not always serve my Savior with my whole heart. And yet, the Lord is constantly patient and loving to me.
So now when Jackson wakes me up early or when he cries for my attention when I'd rather be reading blogs, I make sure to pray and ask the Lord to give me patience. Give me grace. Because here on earth I may be saved from my sins, but I am not a perfect being, and I need help having patience.
I love my son so very much, and I am ever so thankful for the opportunity that I have been given to learn this lesson. I have never thought about this before, but because of my role as a mother, the Lord is using that role to teach and mold me into a more perfect representation of His Son.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus, for your patience with me and for my sweet son who I am learning from every day.
Have you ever struggled with being patient?
"Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." James 1:3 & 4
Oh girl, I think all moms struggle with patience! Ose little people know how to push out buttons, don't they?? But faith certainly helps, doesn't it?
Thank you so much for your honesty and authenticity. I love that you are honest that life is not always rainbows and butterflies but that you are a human being, imperfect and striving to be the best mom and wife that you can be based on Jesus' grace.
Yes! I definitely struggle with patience...and like you, I did from the very beginning, when Ethan was a newborn. I think the Lord knew just how to refine me - by giving me 4 precious, needy kids to give me the opportunity to slowly learn how to lay my life down for them. I am very thankful He didn't just leave me in my selfish state. :)
I love reading your thoughts. Keep it up, sis!
Thank you for this blog post. I have a 3 week old son and have had a difficult time with this myself. I have gotten a little better but still struggle especially at night!! He wants to eat every couple hours. Its good not to feel so alone. My frustration is usually followed by guilt. Praying for you and all moms going thru this.
Oh Erica, we all have this problem and I think that is just prat of being a momma. We don't know everything we are supposed to be doing and it can be frustrating. There are many times when I say to myself The Serenity Prayer. Those boys can be trying.
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